Flight Plan


Thanks to the power of File Garden, I finally can host the videos featured in the Brave and the Bold section on there instead of, uh, well, my own personal site. Makes it much more legally secure for many reasons. I'll be adding File Garden later to my resources section.
Also added two more links to the Other DC Comics Sites section on the link page.
Added a sitemap to this shebang. I already had a xml file for it, but meh, can't be too bad to have both a normal html and xml version.
2023.09.01 -- PART DEUX
LOL I forgot that I added a new section in the links page! Basically a small coding resource section, since I realize I never gave credit for all the stuff I'm using. Hope you enjoy!
Lesson numbah wan when dealing with me: never trust that I don't get distracted from my plans. Because instead of doing the previous ME thing I said I'd do, I instead filled out the appearances page!
...Well, I also cleaned it up because while Hans has very few appearances, I think it's better if each entry had its own page due to the amount of info for each one, unline the the miscellaneous page. Though who knows, maybe one day I'll clean up that one again.
So go and check out the appearances page! Really, only one entry out of two has been written but I hope you enjoy!
Not a lot of updates, sadly. I've been busy with priorities--however, as I've said in a previous update, the thoughts has been getting updated. Gonna post something fun in a sec over there, and I posted some quotes last month. Other than that, I decided to clean up the miscellaneous page. Made it easier for people to just click what they want, then use the top button. I also forgot that I have a bunch of screenshots of Hans as I played him in the original version of Mass Effect. So next update may be just posting a bunch of those, albeit slowly. It's three games after all XD I'm playing him in the Legendary Edition, though I'm still by ME2. Haven't played in a while due to said priorities, but maybe once I finish ME2, I'll start posting some from LE as well. Will mull some more.
This should have been part of yesterday's update, but oops I was so sleepy, I forgot--but we added new links to the Links! page. An Elseworlds fansite and a Geocities DC fanzine site. Both are interesting snapshots, so I recommend checking them out!
Was accepted to the Fansites webring, so that's the new update! (And listed on NerdListing -- let's hope we get on there!)
Just general housekeeping updates -- finally got stuff off my to-do list, such as join some webrings! You can see them in the sidebar below. They're pretty fun, hope you enjoy them too.
Also updated the sidebar with a section I planned to have when this site debuted, but was a little busy to get to until now: a section where I just post random thoughts about Hans et al whenever they hit. The posts come through/from Dreamwidth. The other update involves adding more stuff to the miscellaneous page.
I didn't mean to make an update this fast, but god bless the creator of this javascript, because I have been searching, and searching, and searching for a good "read more" button -- I either have the worst luck of all time or the worst luck of all existence, because anytime I find a read more thingeroo, it works for everyone. Except me. Because of course, only me.
ANYWAY, small updates which entailed adding/fixing the read mores where they were, and I added a new link in the link page: DC in the 1980s. I knew of them from random RTs on my twitter feed from folks I follow, but never took a look until recently when going through my open tabs to write down more Hans stuff to look up later. Lo and behold, they have a site! It's pretty cool, hope you check it out.
Also added Neal Adams to the art page with dates because...I keep forgetting he penciled an issue. In my slim defense, it's because it was inked by Kubert and half the comic looks more Kubert than Adams. Oops.
There's something you should know about me: everytime I make a plan to upload or post something at a certain time, something always happens that makes me have to work on it the entire day and post/upload it right when it's no longer relevant or visible.
So of course, on the day that I hoped to get some eyes before it's all over on Twitter, I finished the initial version of this NOW at (checks) 21:00/9:00PM my time, weeee.
Thankfully other sites don't work the same way, but hey, readers, viewers, fellow fans--WELCOME! We're open!!
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY or something like that--I was going to take my time with this site but I forgot that around April 15, Twitter is basically going to lose its usefulness for everyone who wasn't an idiot and paid 8 bucks for a glorified signal boost for the algorithm...that sure was a long sentence, but I digress. Basically, and I don't mind being wrong, to be fair, but I'm almost pretty sure that by the 15th, nobody's going to see each other's posts and at least for one more day, I'd like to post about this site on Twitter (and elsewhere) for like, at least, 5 people and their dog to see LUL.
As such, index, about, pitches, articles, host, guestbook and uhhhhh, fanfics section have been properly cleaned up from draft form to a pseudo-final form. (The site's always going to be refined, let's be real, but it's now MORE presentable.)
Tried to do the HTML equivalent of PHP_include for the header and footers (basically repeating the header and footer in all pages while only having to edit one file)...and uh, what's interesting is that this code used to work for me, annnnnd now it doesn't. Like, on any site. No matter what.

So I'm up the padded without a creek in that sense. If I edit the sidebar a bit, gotta repaste that code in (counts) 10-15 pages so far.

Well, I made this life choice, I'll cry later LOL. Anyway, forgot to make a chanelog page, so I did that, yay.
Ended up deciding to use the German translation for Hellrider -- fits better. For some reason, I can't have a title in English for Hans, haha. There's apparently a German silent firm by the same name but the only site that has any info on it is a random German movie info website, so.

Also went ahead and updated the banners on the sidebar and the header! Much better, methinks, but I guess I'll know when I get feedback. Also did some banners! Also gonna test a new gallery option for the art section, and deal with the guestbook section.
Thank you, Judas Priest, for giving me a better title for this site. Hellrider! fits, don't it? :P Though I suppose Sabaton's Hellrider (which isn't a cover) can also fit, haha.
I've filled out about....60% of the art section on this site. The problem is that there's SO MUCH ART (both official artists, fanartists, and commissioners), that I've had to divide them in order to effectively make them manageable to navigate. I also need to reorganize and reconsider how I was displaying them on here, so the art page isn't exactly linked yet.
Finally made a banner! I'm thinking "hammerderhoelle" won't be working so well anymore as a site title, but I'm using it for now until I can think of a better name. I also still need to edit it, it still looks wonky but it'll do!
I've been forgetting to update in this space, oops. Okay, so what's been worked on over a course of three days has been...the fanfiction section. It took a long time despite only 5 fics, haha. Thinking of dealing with the art section and mixtape radio next.
maybe this template can be it lol, we're doing it, we're doing it bois


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ENEMY ACE belongs to Robert Kanigher and Joe Kubert, with further copyright to DC Comics. All stories and images belong to their respective creators, as listed in their respective sections, no ifs, ands or buts. Unless noted, all write-ups (C) NAAN.
This is a not-for-profit, unofficial fansite, with all images and information shared for intentions of education and love of character. No copyright infringement intended.
